HE Participation and Engagement

In order for you to reach your full potential and get the most out of your studies, your commitment to and engagement in your programme is essential. During the induction process, we will ask you to sign and agree to our student engagement policy outlined below:

‘I agree to participate fully in the programme of study for which I am enrolled. This will include regular and prompt attendance and participation in each module. I understand that my lecturers will keep a register of attendance on all modules. If I am unable to attend a module for a good reason i.e. health, unexpected family commitment etc. I will inform the college and agree what steps are needed to compensate for missing any sessions. I recognise that engagement includes wider participation and contributions than simply attending lectures and includes examples such as working independently in the library on study tasks, projects, research, group work, online forums, presentations, work-based learning and laboratory projects/experiments. Where my engagement and/or attendance become an issue, on notification, I agree to attend a meeting review any issues, and understand if these cannot be resolved, then I could be at risk of being withdrawn from my programme of study. If such a risk exists, the College will have sought a meeting and will inform me in writing of the risk. Any decision to withdraw or termination of registration of a student will normally be confirmed at an appropriate exam/progression board and is always subject to agreement by the Head/Dean of Higher Education.’


The Loughborough College Attendance and Engagement Policy can be found on the college website.