Welcome to LearnZone
What is LearnZone?
FE and HE LearnZone are Virtual Learning Environments for students studying at Loughborough College. They are websites where your teachers can organise all of the teaching and learning resources you will need to be successful. You might also be required to submit work online through LearnZone.
LearnZone is made up of Categories and Course Pages, Categories are like folders that hold other categories and course pages that have topics and all of the content and resources your teacher adds to it. When you visit these course pages you will enrol onto them and gain access to the learning materials.
What is LearnZone used for?
LearnZone contains your course information, resources, and other materials uploaded by your tutors and lecturers. Materials on LearnZone can range from PowerPoints and resources that tutors have used in classes, to extra work and online activities such as quizzes and forums.
You will also find a range of other information and activities such as Personal and Professional Development, Help and Support and Enrichment which are all accessed and completed through LearnZone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is LearnZone?
LearnZone is a website where your teachers can organise all of the teaching and learning resources you will need to be successful. You might also be required to submit work online through LearnZone.
What is HE LearnZone?
HE LearnZone is a website where your teachers can organise all of the teaching and learning resources you will need to be successful. You might also be required to submit work online through LearnZone.
How do I use LearnZone or HELearnZone?
Log in using your college Microsoft 365 account and then navigate to your course, unit or module before clicking on it to automatically enrol. You will then see all of the activities, resources, and information your teacher has added. If you need further help to find anything on LearnZone contact your tutor.
How do I submit my assignment?
You will need to go to the course, unit, or module as directed by your lecturer and find an assignment or Turnitin activity. You can then upload your work usually by dragging and dropping the file. For more information visit the Assignment/Turnitin sections of this helpdesk.
How do I login to LearnZone?
Go to http://learnzone.loucoll.ac.uk/ for FE LearnZone or http://helearnzone.loucoll.ac.uk for HE LearnZone. Use your Microsoft 365 username and password to log in. This is your email address (e.g. 123456@student.loucoll.ac.uk) and your normal password.
I can't login to LearnZone?
After you’ve checked your email address is accurate, the best thing to do next is try to reset your password at your.loucoll.ac.uk If you still can’t gain entry, please contact your teacher who will be able to help.