Health and Safety


Please notify us if you are unwell.

It is your responsibility to inform college that you will be absent through your ILP.

Doctors and Dentist

Being away from home when you are unwell can be a difficult experience, please come and speak to the Accommodation Team for support.  We strongly advise that you register with a local GP here in Loughborough, especially if you live a long way from your home address so that medical assistance can be obtained immediately.

With your offer of accommodation, medical registration forms for registration with the local practice at Rosebery Medical Centre as well as guidance about how to complete the forms will be provided.

It is compulsory for students under the age of 18 years old to register with the local medical centre when they are resident at the halls.

If you are under the age of 18 and would prefer not to be registered with the local practice in Loughborough because your home address is not particularly far away, we will request that your parent/guardian write to us prior to your arrival to advise that with their consent you will remain registered at your home practice and if you should become unwell, they will undertake to travel to Loughborough, possibly at a moment’s notice in order to pick you up to return home to seek medical attention.

Please note that if you should become unwell whilst at home for the weekend or during the holiday periods, your doctor at home should agree to see you.

If you become unwell whilst in residence at the halls, we will support you to arrange a doctor’s appointment and if you are under the age of 18, we can also accompany you to your appointment if you require us to. We will also communicate with your parents and keep them informed about your condition.

If you are exceptionally ill where it is deemed that you are not well enough to care for yourself it will be recommended that you return home to the care of your family until you have fully recovered.

Also see ‘Emergencies’

There are several private and NHS Dentists close to The Gables. Visit the NHS website, use their ‘Find a Dentist’ service for more information.


You must inform the Accommodation Team if you have any allergies, severe or mild. If you have emergency medication such as an EpiPen, a spare one must be stored in the medical cabinet in the office for staff to administer if needed.

It may be necessary for other students to restrict what is stored in their kitchen if they are sharing a flat with someone who has a severe allergy. The Accommodation Team will meet with residents to explain this if necessary.


We want you to always feel safe and we will not tolerate any form of harassment to other residents or staff.

Here at accommodation, we operate to the same FREDIE values as the College:

Fairness – All individuals will be treated fairly, consistently, and equally by ensuring everyone has a voice.

Respect – Everyone will be treated with respect and decency throughout their time here.

Equality – Everyone will be given the same opportunities throughout their time here.

Diversity – We will work towards being diverse by ensuring all people are represented and have role models to aspire to.

Inclusion – We will create an inclusive environment that celebrates everyone’s individuality.

Engagement – We will ensure a more diverse and engaged community by ensuring effective communication, representation, feedback, and collaborative working.

If you feel harassed, please speak to a member of the Accommodation Team who will support you.

Harassment offenders will be subject to disciplinary procedures.


Loughborough College provides safe access to the internet and digital technology to help students learn and achieve. Staying safe in the digital world is as important as staying safe in the real world.

Keep it private

Online – Make sure that you keep yours and other people’s personal information private. Adjust the privacy setting on your personal profiles so that you can control who views your pictures.

On your mobile – Don’t give out your mobile number to people you don’t know. Keep your security number or PIN private. Keep your mobile hidden when you’re on the street

Keep it cool

Online – If you are being bullied online you have a right not to have to deal with it on your own. Save any bullying messages or conversations, and show them to an adult, or member of staff, you trust to help you deal with the problem on your mobile – If you start getting texts that upset or annoy you, don’t reply.

Keep a record and report the texts to an adult, network operator or the police. You can also

speak to a member of The Accommodation Team, a Learning Coach, a Counsellor or member of the Safeguarding Team

Keep it legal

Online – Be aware of the effects of your online activities. This includes illegally downloading media, as well as bullying others. You are not anonymous online, and things can be traced back to you.

On your mobile – If you receive a rude or embarrassing picture or text about someone, don’t pass it on. Sending sexual pictures of other young people by mobile phone is illegal.

Keep in mind

Not everything you see or everyone you meet online is trustworthy. People you have met online are still strangers, no matter how long you have been talking to them. Anyone can put or say anything on the internet. On your mobile – think before you send a picture or video from your phone. Don’t give out anyone else’s number or take a photo of them without their agreement.

Keep in control

Adults who go online to chat to young people and arrange to meet in order to have sex are breaking the law. If a person you are speaking to online makes you feel uncomfortable, tell an adult you trust, report it to the police or contact the Safeguarding Team. If you are uncomfortable about any pictures or messages that you are sent, keep a record of them as they could be used as evidence. Your network operator may be able to help against nuisance calls. You can also speak to a member of The Accommodation Team, a Learning Coach or member of the Safeguarding Team Remember … keep safe and healthy If you need help contact a College Counsellor on 01509 618333 or the Safeguarding Team on 07979 737474