Accessibility Welcome

Computer keyboard with a green accessibility key

What is Accessibility?

Accessibility is the practice of making content, be it, Word documents, PowerPoints, resources and websites accessible and inclusive, giving equal access and opportunities to everyone wherever possible. Anything your tutor puts online for you should be accessible by as many people as possible, regardless of their learning style or disability type or severity.

On the following pages within Accessibility on the Helpdesk, you can find out about different accessibility features and tools available to you, including:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can I find out more information on Windows accessibility features?

You can find out more information here on Microsoft’s support website and YouTube Playlist:

Make it easier to focus on tasks (Microsft support site)

Microsoft Windows Accessibility Playlist (YouTube)

Where can I go to find more support with Microsoft products?

You can find out more information and support on Microsoft’s website:

Disability Answer Desk (Microsoft support site)