HE Enrolment, Progress & Withdrawal Policy
HE Enrolment and Withdrawal Policy
We have a clear policy related to attendance, and failure to adhere to this could lead to disciplinary action and ultimately withdrawal from your programme.
The HE Enrolment and Withdrawal Policy can be found on the college’s website.
Student attendance and engagement will be measured at every stage of the student journey. Where the college has concerns regarding levels of engagement, these will be communicated to the student by the Programme Leader / Curriculum Manager / Dean of Higher Education, depending on the severity of the concern. Students will be required to agree to an action plan and failure to comply with that plan may lead to further sanctions and ultimately withdrawal from the programme.
Where a student fails to attend any planned teaching for a period of two consecutive weeks (without providing prior notice and agreement), the student will be issued with a notice of withdrawal. It is up to the student to appeal against this decision to the Dean of Higher Education within seven days. If this appeal is accepted the student will provided with an action plan, failure to comply with which will result in withdrawal from the programme.
Progress checking with the Academic Tutor Team
We have an Academic Tutor team who work with our Undergraduate students to track and monitor your progress, as well as supporting you to develop the study skills required at degree level, such as referencing, essay writing, presentation skills and searching for literature. You are able to book 1:1 meetings or attend group workshops throughout the year.
Contact our team by visiting them in F106 or by e-mail: academicsupport@loucoll.ac.uk