HE Student Charter

Loughborough College prides itself on creating a fantastic student experience, which has been measured by our students annually as being above the sector average. Many features of our college contribute to this great experience, including our teaching staff who have a breadth of academic and industry-relevant experience who bring this to life in the classroom. They are complemented by the quality of our campus setting, extra-curricular activities, Library and IT resources, and social activities, sports and other facilities supported by one of the best Students’ Unions in the country.


About the Student Charter

All students are encouraged to read the Charter so that they know what they can expect and what is expected of them during their time at Loughborough College. The Charter is not a binding contract but outlines a common set of principles that students and staff agree will result in an outstanding student experience.


The College

In order to provide a high-quality learning experience, the College will:

  • Provide consistently high standards of teaching and access to high quality learning resources and facilities, sharing the excitement of contemporary research and encouraging student engagement with rigorous scholarship.
  • Provide students with clear and accessible information relating to their studies, including
    • Details of what to expect in their programmes and modules.
    • A clear and accessible academic timetable.
    • Clear information about how and when they will be assessed and receive feedback on their work.
    • Information on fees and additional charges.
  • Offer activities and opportunities within and beyond the curriculum for students to enhance their employability prospects and personal development.
  • Listen to students: being open to constructive student feedback and encouraging and supporting student participation in shaping the quality of their experience.
  • Provide support and advice to students in areas such as careers, finance, health and wellbeing, and accommodation.


The Students

In order to get the best out of their College experience, students will:

  • Take responsibility for managing their own learning by being an active participant and positively engaging in their programme of study: attending lessons, attending meetings with lecturers, supervisors and Academic Tutor and ensuring they spend sufficient regular time in private study.
  • Adopt a scholarly approach and demonstrate integrity in all aspects of their studies.
  • Be a reliable and committed student, submit assessed work by stated deadlines and reflect on the feedback provided.
  • Support course representatives and participate in processes which will lead to improvements in the quality of learning and teaching, such as the National Student Survey and module feedback questionnaires.
  • Take advantage of the opportunities the College and Student’s Union provides to help them reach their potential, enhance their employability prospects and personal development.
  • Make prompt payment of charges made by the College, respect the physical environment of the College and behave respectfully towards staff, fellow students and neighbours on campus and in the local community.


The Students’ Union

In its commitment to the student experience, Loughborough Students’ Union will:

  • Work with the College towards the betterment of the student experience;
  • Support all students to ensure they receive fair treatment and are aware of their rights and responsibilities;
  • Support student participation in quality enhancement activities – especially through the election, development and training of representatives;
  • Assist students with academic and welfare problems;
  • Represent the interests of students at local and national level;
  • Support active student/community engagement, especially with regard to combating anti-social behaviour; and provide a range of clubs and societies to enhance personal and professional development.
  • Those students who are not studying on Loughborough University awards may have support available via their own awarding institution. Please contact the Student Registry for further details.


Appeals and Complaints Procedure

We anticipate that most students will have an outstanding experience while at Loughborough College. Should you have concerns about your own experience, the college has processes in place for you to be able to raise these with us.

If you have a complaint about an aspect of your student experience provided by the College, you should normally raise your concern in the first instance with the member of staff, Department or service directly involved as soon as possible.

If your complaint relates to the marks you have received, or another decision of your examiners, then you should contact your Module Leader in the first instance to discuss this.