Support Teams' Details

Doodle of things going on in the human mind

Wellbeing, Support & Safeguarding Team Details

Loughborough College is committed to providing additional support to enable students to achieve their full potential. If you live with a disability, long-term health condition, mental health condition, specific learning difference (like dyslexia or dyspraxia) or Autistic Spectrum Disorder you are advised to contact student support email: for advice and guidance.

The college offers a range of services to support you on your journey at Loughborough College. Below you will find a list of options with regards to Support & Wellbeing on offer with details on how you can access these.

The latest information can be found at

The Additional Learning Support Team

The team has skills and experience in a range of specialisms to support learners. It is important that any additional learning support needs are communicated at the earliest opportunity. If you have concerns regarding your support needs please speak to your tutor.

It is important that you identify to us any previous support you have received in school, including exam concessions. When you start in a new Further Education institution, you will have to be assessed within the college before these can be put in place. (For more information please see our Examination Access Arrangements Policy)

The Additional Learning Support Team are located behind reception in The Hub and can be contacted on 01509 618313 or

The Learner Welfare Team

We are very much invested in our learners and have a range of teams dedicated to your welfare and development. These include the Mental Health Team, Wellbeing Mentors, Inclusion Team and Safeguarding Officers. If you require support, there is someone here for you to speak to.

We offer 1:1 appointments as well as inclusive support groups; we also provide a sexual health clinic three times a week. All services offered are free, impartial, and confidential.

The team also has a therapy dog called Mylie. Therapy dogs are shown to provide a range of benefits including:

Mylie the Therapy dog

Cognitive – companionship with a therapy dog stimulates memory, problem-solving and game-playing

Social – a therapy dog provides a positive mutual topic for discussion, encourages responsibility, wellbeing and focused interaction with others

Emotional – a therapy dog improves self-esteem, acceptance from others and lifts mood, often provoking laughter and fun. Therapy dogs can also teach compassion and respect for other living things as well as relieving anxiety

Physical – interaction with a furry friend reduces blood pressure, provides tactile stimulation, assists with pain management, gives motivation to move, walk and stimulates the senses

Environmental – a therapy dog in a college increases the sense of a ‘college family’ environment, with all of the above benefits continuing long after the college day is over.

Safeguarding and Prevent

We want everyone at the college to be and feel safe, and consider the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults of paramount importance, we safeguard students and promote their welfare, safety and health by providing an open, caring, responsive and supportive learning environment which responds to needs immediately.

The college Designated Safeguarding Lead is Lucy Howes and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Keira Hand and Michelle Hought who, along with their team are trained and able to support with safeguarding and Prevent concerns.

You can contact the Safeguarding Team and report your concerns on 07979 737474

Lucy Howes - Vice Principal- Learner Experience and Quality and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Lucy Howes

Vice Principal- Learner Experience and Quality and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Keira Hand

Learner Welfare and Safeguarding Manager

Michelle Hought- Safeguarding Coordinator

Michelle Hought

Safeguarding Coordinator

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL’s)

  • Helen Van Aardt – Vice Principal (Curriculum)
  • Mary Bullivant – Accommodation Service Manager
  • Paula Moylan-Mathers – Senior Accommodation Officer
  • Zena Aherne – Learning Support Manager
  • Dannii Donovan- EDI Manager

Mental Health Co-ordinators

Our Mental Health Co-ordinators are here to assist and support you with any mental health difficulties you may face during your time at Loughborough College. If you are already seeking support for mental health, we can work with you and anyone involved in maintaining your wellbeing, to enable you to focus on your studies.

If you have never had support in this way or have recently experienced difficulties with your mental health, you can still meet with us. We will work with you to support you at college and help you to make contact with any external services if appropriate.

To self-refer to this service please contact us via email:

Alternatively, speak to a staff member who can do this for you.

Mental Health First Aiders

The College’s Mental Health First Aiders are staff members who volunteered to learn how to support people experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress.

The team have been trained in a range of skills, from having initial conversations, through to supporting the person to get appropriate help. They can also provide early intervention help for someone who may be developing a mental health issue.

Heather Clarke – Deputy Principal said,

“Being a Mental Health First Aider is about helping triage people who need help and being confident and comfortable in signposting them to the right support as well as providing urgent help and guidance. Although our Mental Health First Aiders are not trained to be therapists or psychiatrists, they can offer initial support through non-judgemental listening and guidance.”

Staff and students can access support from our Mental Health First Aiders by calling 07483 956433 or 07483 956434.

The service is available Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Inclusion Mentors

Inclusion mentors are here to support your needs and help you to find strategies for managing learner life. We support looked after children, young carers, young parents, learners who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and young offenders undertaking rehabilitation programmes.

We can provide advice and will work with you to support your transition into college life. With your permission, we can liaise with your tutors to ensure that they understand your needs. If needed, we are able to provide you with information to access further internal or external support services.

To self-refer to this service please contact us via email:

Alternatively, speak to a staff member who can do this for you.

Wellbeing Mentors

Wellbeing mentors cover a range of different areas to support your general wellbeing. This can include low-level mental health difficulties, healthy relationships, drug and alcohol use, exam stress, grief, to name just a few.

Alongside this, we also run a sexual health drop-in three times a week. You can come and speak to us about sexual health advice, free pregnancy testing and free condoms. Don’t worry, it’s confidential!

If you are interested in joining a group, we can direct you to groups such as the college LGBTQ+ group, the Social Group, as well as many others.

For information or to self-refer please email us contact us via email:

Alternatively, speak to a staff member who can do this for you.

Disability & Medical Conditions


Loughborough College welcomes students with a wide range of disabilities and medical conditions and offers a wide range of specialist support to help you access your course and be successful in your studies. Visit the Student Support Team in the Hub and talk to one of our advisers.

Phone: 01509 618 313 or Email:


The College will not provide information of a confidential nature to any unauthorised enquirer without the permission of the student concerned.  In certain circumstances, the College may need to provide information to Social Services, the Police and on occasions other government departments.