E-Safety & IT Acceptable Use Policy

Icons that represent e-safety

We ask all students to use the college IT systems in a responsible way, to ensure their own personal safety, the fair treatment of others, and the security of the IT systems.

The full IT Acceptable Use Policy can be found on the college’s Documents and Policies website.

When using college systems and devices students


  • Create a strong password and do not share it and other personal information with other people.
  • Use college devices primarily for work and educational purposes.
  • Use AI to support them with their studies.
  • Refrain from making large downloads unless necessary.

Should NOT:

  • Use college systems for online gambling or illegal activities.
  • Use college systems for gaming or file sharing unless permitted to do so.
  • Download or view illegal or inappropriate material.
  • Install software, open attachments from unknown sources or suspicious websites.
  • Tamper with the college equipment.

Students must take responsibility for their digital conduct:

  • Do not use other people’s intellectual or copyrighted property without permission.
  • Do not present other people’s content as their own including content generated using AI in line with the college plagiarism policy

To ensure the safety of our students the college monitors all digital activities across the network, to help us to keep you safe.

We use E-Safe Technology that monitors keystrokes (what is typed into a computer) of college IT equipment to ensure students are keeping themselves safe whilst online. Where concerns are identified, the college Safeguarding Team are notified automatically and will come to speak to you and arrange support.

The college takes the wellbeing of our students seriously and will investigate any instances of cyberbullying and computer misuse even if it occurs outside of the campus and may result in disciplinary or police action.

Please report anything you find inappropriate or unsettling online to us at ithelpdesk@loucoll.ac.uk.

When using the internet for research or recreation, recognise that:

  • You should ensure that you have permission to use the original work of others in your own work.
  • Where work is protected by copyright, do not try to download copies (including music and videos).
  • When using the internet to find information, you should take care to check that the information that you access is accurate. Understand that the work of others may not be truthful and may be a deliberate attempt to mislead you.


Understand that you are responsible for your actions, both in and out of college:

  • Understand that the college also has the right to take action against you if you are involved in incidents of inappropriate behaviour, that are covered in this agreement, when you are out of college and where they involve your membership of the college community. This includes the use of personal social media which breaches the code of conduct. (Examples would be cyber-bullying, use of images or personal information).
  • Understand that if you fail to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy Agreement, you will be subject to disciplinary action. This may include loss of access to the college network/internet, suspensions, permanent exclusion, contact with parents and/or partner educational institutions. In the event of illegal activities, police may also be involved.

Contact us:

For further advice and guidance for keeping safe online, you can contact the IT Support team at the IT Helpdesk or the Safeguarding Team on 07979 737474 or learner.welfare@loucoll.ac.uk.

We are always here to help, and keep everyone safe online.