
If you are pregnant and are unsure as to whether you wish to continue with the pregnancy you can visit Leicester Sexual Health, MSI UK Nottingham Abortion Clinic or your GP who can discuss this further with you.

If you have a positive home test and know that you do not want to continue with the pregnancy you can refer yourself for a termination.

There are three options for self-referral:

For an appointment with University Hospitals of Leicester please call Tel: 0116 258 5939 or 07867528791, leave a message with your details and a nurse will call you back.

For an appointment with British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) please call Tel: 03457 30 40 30

For an appointment with MSI UK Nottingham Abortion Clinic, you can book a consultation appointment using their online booking forms at https://www.msichoices.org.uk/contact-us/ or call on 0345 300 8090.

If you have any unusual pelvic pain or bleeding before any appointment, please contact your GP as this needs to be checked when you are pregnant.

The earlier you can have a termination the more options you will have about the type of abortion you can have. For an abortion/termination to be legal, you must be less than 24 weeks pregnant and two doctors must give their consent.

If you’re under 16 and two doctors agree to your request for an abortion, you can consent without your parents’ involvement, if the doctor feels you understand the advice and the implications of the operation. However they will strongly encourage you to talk to your parents or an adult you trust.

BPAS also offer lots of information and support with abortion and pregnancy.