Transition Period

Transitioning to higher education can be an exciting and challenging time. It is completely natural to have mixed feelings about the changes ahead. It is how these changes and transitions are managed which can determine the impact on general wellbeing, welfare and mental health.

If you are struggling with periods of transition or are finding change overwhelming, it is important to speak to someone you feel comfortable with. This may be a relative, friend or professional.

At Loughborough College, the HE Welfare Team can support you to understanding and process what you are finding difficult and explore ways of moving forward with you in a non-judgemental and confidential setting.

To speak to someone about this, please email

You can also access support, information and advice through HE Health Assured which is offered independently of the college. You can also access free counselling through HE Health Assured and download their free app ‘Wisdom.’  Call 0800 028 3766. This line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.