HE Health Assured

Loughborough College students can access information, support and advice services, including a free counselling service, from an external organisation Health Assured. Health Assured is offered independently of the College and is free to access.

Students can use the service for a wide range of issues including:

  • Family Issues
  • Financial Information
  • Legal Information
  • Medical Information
  • Housing Concerns
  • Bereavement
  • Student Life
  • Exam Pressure
  • Alcohol or Drug Issues

You can call the Health Assured helpline which available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 0800 028 3766

To access Health Assured online, please utilise the link below:

Wisdom (healthassured.org)

To download their free app Wisdom where you will find a wealth of resources including mood trackers, health plans, health checks and wellbeing related resources, please scan the QR code below:

How can we help?

If you would like to access support and arrange a meeting with our HE Welfare Team, please email HE.Welfare@loucoll.ac.uk.

 We also offer the following weekly during term-time:

HE Common Room:

  • Start the day right – Tuesdays 8am-9:30am
  • Cake and Chat – Fridays 2pm-3:30pm

Room TBC

  • HE Drop-In – Thursdays 2pm-3:30pm

HE Health Assured:

You can get support, information and advice through HE Health Assured which is offered independently of the college. You can also access free counselling through HE Health Assured and download their free app ‘Wisdom.’  Call 0800 028 3766. This line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Mental Health First Aiders

We offer a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) service where students are able to call the Mental Health First Aid phone available Monday-Friday 08:30-16:30 if they feel they need someone to talk to. Our staff will support you with various issues such as academic pressure, bullying, wellbeing support, panic etc.

Please call 07483 956433 or 07483 956434 if needed.