Exam/Coursework Stress
When it comes to exams and coursework, it’s normal to feel stressed. When you feel pressured, such a by exams and coursework, the feeling of stress is your body’s natural response. Although it can help you to get things done and stay focused, it can sometimes get a bit too much.
When feeling stressed about exams or coursework, it can show up in several ways such as:
- feeling irritable and angry
- struggling to sleep
- having negative thoughts about yourself
- feeling down or anxious
- worrying about the future
- losing interest in things you usually enjoy
- difficulties in concentrating
- feeling unwell – headaches or feeling nauseous
If any of these feelings start to become overwhelming and it all feels too much, there is help available.
How can I look after myself?
To try ease some of the pressure, you could:
- Talk about feeling under pressure – If the pressure is due to your educational setting or those around you, try and discuss with them about how you are feeling and what support you need.
- Be kind to yourself – Reflect on achievements so far, in or out of your studies. Do things you are good at to help boost your self-esteem and remember to take breaks when completing your studying.
- Get that organised feeling – Ensure you know when you have your exams or when your coursework is due and set time aside for studying. Plan your time in advance so you can cover everything you need to do to prepare, whilst ensuring you have time for breaks and to do things you enjoy. This way, you aren’t leaving things until the last minute which could cause more stress.
- Get into good habits – By getting into good habits early on you will help reduce your chancing of high stress and improve concentration. Ensure you’re taking breaks when completing your studies; go on small walks to help clear your head and get some fresh air; drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated; get a good amount of sleep; work where you know you work best without distractions and complete activities that help you to relax through self-care.
Where can I receive support?
Samaritans – offers support 24/7, call the helpline on 116 123
Childline – Runs a 24-hour phone helpline, email service and online and 1-2-1 webchat for children and young people in the UK.
How can we help?
Learner Welfare Drop-Ins
The Learner Welfare Team offers a range of drop-ins including confidential 1-1s, mixed drop-ins and wellbeing walks with our therapy dogs. We will also offer specific drop-ins including Sexual Health Drop-Ins and drop-ins for our Looked After Children (LAC) learners.
Please see the current timetable below:
Mental Health First Aiders
We offer a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) service where students are able to call the Mental Health First Aid phone available Monday-Friday 08:30-16:30 if they feel they need someone to talk to. Our staff will support you with various issues such as academic pressure, bullying, wellbeing support, panic etc.
Please call 07483 956433 or 07483 956434 if needed.