
Everyone experiences spells of sadness or feeling down, but if these feelings are interfering with your daily life and making you feel persistently sad for weeks or months at a time, it could be a sign that you are experiencing depression.

Symptoms of depression can range from feeling unhappy, hopeless, and losing interest in things which you may have previously enjoyed. Depression can also result in physical symptoms, some of which include fatigue, poor sleep, reduced appetite, and low sexual drive. This will not look the same for everyone and some may have symptoms which can also be associated with anxiety.

How can I help myself?

Planning the day ahead

  • Start by doing the easiest task.
  • Tick things off the list as you complete them.
  • At the end of the day, you will be able to see what you have achieved.

Speak to someone you trust

  • Spend time with your loved ones
  • Share how you are feeling


  • Take a walk and spend time outside in nature
  • Play a sport with others

Do things you enjoy

  • You may enjoy activities such as painting, baking, dancing, crafting etc. 


  • Use meditation, breathing techniques, relaxation.

Taking care of yourself

  • Having a balanced diet
  • Cutting down on alcohol
  • Avoid smoking

Where can I receive support?

Seek support from your GP – who may refer you to more appropriate help and may offer medication in combination with therapy.

NHS Central Access PointIf you need mental health support, you can call this service on 0808 800 3302 – 24 hours a day.

Samaritansoffers support 24/7, call the helpline on 116 123.

Mindoffers Mental Health support and information

Students Against Depressionoffers guidance for students struggling with depression

How can we help?

Learner Welfare Drop-Ins

The Learner Welfare Team offers a range of drop-ins including confidential 1-1s, mixed drop-ins and wellbeing walks with our therapy dogs. We will also offer specific drop-ins including Sexual Health Drop-Ins and drop-ins for our Looked After Children (LAC) learners.

Please see the current timetable below:

Day Time Type Room Time Type Room
MONDAY 8:30-9:30am Early bird Drop-in 1909 Social Space 12-1pm 1:1 Drop-in B009
8:30-9:30am Sexual Health Drop-in S006
TUESDAY 12-1pm Inclusion Drop-in S006 3-4pm Afternoon Drop-in 1909 Social Space
3:30-4:30pm Sexual Health Drop-in S006
WEDNESDAY 8:30-9:30am Early bird Drop-in The Hub 1:30-2:30pm 1:1 Drop-in H101b
THURSDAY 11-12pm 1:1 Drop-in S006 12:30-1:30pm Sexual Health Drop-in S006
3:30-4:30pm Afternoon Drop-in The Hub
FRIDAY 8:30-9am Dog walk and talk Meet at 1909 Social Space 12:30-1:30pm Sexual Health Drop-in S006
3-4pm 1:1 Drop-in H101b
Group sessions
1:1 sessions
Sexual Health

Early Bird Drop-in/Afternoon Drop-in – No appointment necessary, drop by for a chat with the Learner Welfare Team and mingle with other students.

1-1 Drop-in – Confidential 1-1 session (10-minute slots) with a member of the Learner Welfare Team. No appointment necessary.

Sexual Health Drop-in – Make an appointment on the Student Dashboard to get advice and support from our Wellbeing Mentors.

Dog Walk and Talk – Enjoy a short walk around the outskirts of our campus with our therapy dog.

Inclusion Drop-in – No appointment necessary, drop by for a chat with our Inclusion Officers.

Mental Health First Aiders

We offer a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) service where students are able to call the Mental Health First Aid phone available Monday-Friday 08:30-16:30 if they feel they need someone to talk to. Our staff will support you with various issues such as academic pressure, bullying, wellbeing support, panic etc.

Please call 07483 956433 or 07483 956434 if needed.