Breast Checks

Breast cancer can affect anybody and around 55,500 women and 400 men are diagnosed each year in the UK. Breast cancer is a cancer which forms in breast tissue, this tissue can go up to your collarbone and under your armpit.

If diagnosed early, breast cancer can be treated successfully which is why it is important to check your chest every month for signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer may include:

  • Skin changes such as puckering or dimpling.
  • Unusual lump or swelling in your armpit, or around your collarbone.
  • Unusual lumps and thickening.
  • Liquid coming from your nipple.
  • A sudden, unusual change in size or shape.
  • Nipple is pulled inwards or changes direction.
  • A rash or crusting on or around your nipple.
  • Constant, unusual pain in your breast or pec, or armpit.

When checking for signs and symptoms, remember to look and feel when checking.

Coopafeel! (breast cancer awareness charity) provide a walkthrough of how to check your breasts in 2 minutes using the below link: CoppaFeel Self-Checkout

What to do if you have found something unusual:

Book an appointment with your GP:

There is no need to panic as our bodies do change and there may be many reasons why you have changes to your chest. It has been found 9/10 people who go to a breast clinic for a check do not have breast cancer. However, please make an appointment with your GP to make sure.

When you go to the GP, they will examine your chest area and may refer you to the breast clinic for further checks if necessary. They will talk you through the process of what will happen during your appointment at the clinic.

Where can I receive support?

If you are worried and would like to talk:

Learner Welfare Drop-Ins

The Learner Welfare Team offers a range of drop-ins including confidential 1-1s, mixed drop-ins and wellbeing walks with our therapy dogs. We will also offer specific drop-ins including Sexual Health Drop-Ins and drop-ins for our Looked After Children (LAC) learners.

Please see the current timetable below:

Day Time Type Room Time Type Room
MONDAY 8:30-9:30am Early bird Drop-in 1909 Social Space 12-1pm 1:1 Drop-in B009
8:30-9:30am Sexual Health Drop-in S006
TUESDAY 12-1pm Inclusion Drop-in S006 3-4pm Afternoon Drop-in 1909 Social Space
3:30-4:30pm Sexual Health Drop-in S006
WEDNESDAY 8:30-9:30am Early bird Drop-in The Hub 1:30-2:30pm 1:1 Drop-in H101b
THURSDAY 11-12pm 1:1 Drop-in S006 12:30-1:30pm Sexual Health Drop-in S006
3:30-4:30pm Afternoon Drop-in The Hub
FRIDAY 8:30-9am Dog walk and talk Meet at 1909 Social Space 12:30-1:30pm Sexual Health Drop-in S006
3-4pm 1:1 Drop-in H101b
Group sessions
1:1 sessions
Sexual Health

Early Bird Drop-in/Afternoon Drop-in – No appointment necessary, drop by for a chat with the Learner Welfare Team and mingle with other students.

1-1 Drop-in – Confidential 1-1 session (10-minute slots) with a member of the Learner Welfare Team. No appointment necessary.

Sexual Health Drop-in – Make an appointment on the Student Dashboard to get advice and support from our Wellbeing Mentors.

Dog Walk and Talk – Enjoy a short walk around the outskirts of our campus with our therapy dog.

Inclusion Drop-in – No appointment necessary, drop by for a chat with our Inclusion Officers.

Mental Health First Aiders

We offer a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) service where students are able to call the Mental Health First Aid phone available Monday-Friday 08:30-16:30 if they feel they need someone to talk to. Our staff will support you with various issues such as academic pressure, bullying, wellbeing support, panic etc.

Please call 07483 956433 or 07483 956434 if needed.