Safeguarding and Prevent

We want everyone at the college to be and feel safe and consider the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults of paramount importance, we safeguard students and promote their welfare, safety and health by providing an open, caring, responsive and supportive learning environment which responds to needs immediately.

The college Designated Safeguarding Lead is Heather Clarke and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Dannii Donovan and Keira Hand who, along with their team are trained and able to support with safeguarding and Prevent concerns. The college uses a company called e-safe that monitors the usage of college IT equipment to ensure learners are keeping themselves safe whilst online. Where concerns are identified, the college Safeguarding Team will be notified.



As a learner at Loughborough College we expect you to;

  • Take part in induction activities regarding safeguarding and PREVENT.
  • Develop your continued knowledge of safeguarding and PREVENT through ‘Your Passport’ and tutorial activities.
  • Wear your lanyard whilst you are onsite at all times.
  • Be mindful of your behaviour at all times and comply with the learner agreement and college code.

If you have any concerns about your own behaviour, safety or welfare, talk to one of your tutors. Your tutors may contact the safeguarding team, as they cannot promise you confidentiality based on what you have told them (disclosure).

Alternatively, if you feel you are not able to talk to one of your tutors, call the Safeguarding Team on 07979 737474

If you have any concerns about any of your peers’ or classmate’s behaviour, safety or welfare, report any concerns to the Safeguarding Team immediately or to one of your tutors. The Safeguarding Officer responding will support you with this.

Loughborough College has a legal duty within PREVENT to have ‘due regard’ to the risk of learners being drawn into terrorism. Government guidance makes clear the importance of the college in supporting learners at risk of extremist influences.


You can contact the Safeguarding Team and report your concerns on 07979 737474

Heather Clarke

Deputy Principal – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Dannii Donavan

Dannii Donavan

Safeguarding and Inclusion Lead – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Keira Hand

Keira Hand

Safeguarding Coordinator – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead