It is normal for students to engage in and have sexual relationships whilst studying. There are key things to consider in relation to consent and safety which can be impacted by a number of factors including drugs and alcohol.
Consent is defined as someone having the choice to engage in sexual activity, this includes kissing, touching and sexual acts. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. Consent can also be given for one activity and not another. To give consent, you need to have the capacity and the freedom to make that choice.
If someone says ‘no’ this means they are not consenting. However, it is important to consider and be aware of other factors which indicate someone does not wish to continue or does not give their consent. This could include but is not limited to body language, facial expression, pulling away, being quiet or not responding. It is ok to check whether someone is consenting and happy to continue by asking.
If you are engaging in sexual activity, ensure that you are looking after yourself and having sex safely.
If you have questions or concerns about sex or sexual health, you can speak to the HE Welfare Team, who if needed, can provide signposting options to external services.